iFecal: Gut Health vs Cancer Risk


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It has been discovered recently that the health of a person's gut microbiome is associated with the spread of breast cancer from breast tissues to the rest of the body. What is so important is that when a person has top notch gut health, the spread of cancer cells is reduced, increasing cancer survivability. Conversely, when a person has poor gut health, the rate of spread is much higher and there is much less survivability. Gut health is a critical factor in the fight against cancer. Not just breast cancer; there are implications for any cancer.

Researchers believe it is poor gut health which causes more of a certain cell type, called "mast" cells, to appear within breast tissue. They cause the breasts to contain more collagen, which is a measurable change. Also, the mast cells are involved in the spread of caancer cells through the bloodstream to other parts of the body.

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